
There seems to be a formula for selling books in the medical space which serves as a catalyst for media coverage, self-appointed expertise for speaking fees and ultimate product sales. In the pediatric realm, it is especially rampant.
How much sleep is enough? How about naps, I personally love a nice little afternoon nap after perhaps a bit too much lunch.
As a glass half full and “why limit your world view to a glass anyway” kind of person, I am always partial to common sense tips that allow us to enjoy holidays by keeping us safe while not preoccupying us with endless worry.
In their zest for trend-spotting, the Wall Street Journal just published a piece on exhausted new parents seeking out pricey
It's sleep awareness week and we are trying to, well, be more aware of our sleep. 
New Year's lists abound on how to have a better, more productive, happier 2018. Almost without fail, "get more sleep" is somewhere on the list. 
OK, sleep is important — we get that. None of us functions very well when seriously sleep-deprived. But other than that, what health implications might there be if we're not getting adequate zzzz's?
Nutrition science is notoriously unreliable. The reason is because a substantial proportion of research in the field is conducted using surveys, and people just aren't very good at remembering what and how much they ate. 
Check it out: the latest sleep device from Apple — the 
Tossing and turning in bed all night long, it can feel as if you're the only person in the world unable to sleep. It may be a small comfort to learn, however, that you aren't the only one. Millions of other Americans also struggle to sleep.