
A new study published in the journal Pediatrics invest
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their annual Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report which reflects record highs in the three most commonly reported conditions in the United States in 2015 (in the fo
Welcome to the conclusion of our three part series discussing the science behind director Kathleen Gyllenhaal's latest documentary,
Did the sea part?  The Earth spin off its axis?   Or, am I just dreaming that the rebirth of joy and humor and common sense and reasonableness could be the latest trend in parenting?  Pinch me, please.  
As we enter the final stretch of so vitriolic a Presidential campaign, it is not a surprise that scandalous accusations are being thrown in all directions by both sides.  Center stage yesterday was the possibility of a Bill Cli
If the photo attached to this article does not make you smile, then I question whether you have a soul.  The act alone contributes to such known positive health benefits.  So, take a little look inside and find your joy - whether it is w