There are millions of traumatic brain injury (TBI) - related emergency department visits in the U.S each year.
Other Science News
Over the last decade, the gene editing technology CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palidromic Repeats) has become a household word.
In scientific publishing, authorship is the currency through which scientists are judged. Authorship is one of the most (if not the most) important factors in grant approvals, tenure decisions, and status in the field.
Can honest people work for industry? No, the only honest people are journalists.
Industrial farming provides much of our food. The ability to provide the world with adequate food sources, including sustainable industrial agriculture, is a foundational interest of ACSH. [1]
In the old days, genetic disease diagnoses were identified by the disease first, using the trait that the person had. If you couldn't stop bleeding, it was hemophilia. Black urine meant alcaptonuria.
Disparities in care often are in the news. The lack of women in early cardiovascular disease research resulted in physicians failing to recognize how gender may influence the presentation of illness by a patient.
A story from this past week was a tough one for those of us who live and breathe pseudoscience debunking to stomach. Mercifully, we were thrown a bone just when we thought that hope was gone.
Just a quick note. I have written previously about the Independent Payment Advisory Board.
There is a 7% gender-related pay gap among Uber’s drivers. How can that be? The answer, based on Uber’s wealth of data on its drivers and users may provide clues as to why gender gaps in payments occur in the professions.