Let's get the basics out of the way. This is a computational model — the lessons lie not in the numbers but in the relationships that form the numbers.
Harm Reduction
The Cold War between the US and Russia, both wielding nuclear weapons, was still waged through their proxies. The Berlin Wall would not come down for another four years.
The full report is quite long. The Executive Summary is 33 pages, and the link to all the primary material is at the end. I have put the tale together in my own way, providing emphasis in bold italics.
"Humans' relationship with wildfire in the WUI is a complex interaction between an increasing number of people living in flammable landscapes (increased number of at-risk communities and ignition sources), a warmer and drier climate
Just as Winter inevitably came to Westeros, seasonal flu is coming to the US.
Like the diseases they treat, medical interventions follow a time course. Intervention can be too early or late but is best at some mythical “Goldilocks” moment.
Comprehension levels are often two or more grades below reading or education level. Comprehension drops even more when a person is under stress.
CDC's "Simply Put"
I have put aside the question of how mass vaccination might work.
As Vishal Verma, one of the authors of "Dry heat as a decontamination method for N95 respirator reuse" reports in Environmental Science and Technology Letters
The study comes from a working paper of the National Bureau of Economic Research by authors from UCLA and Yale, seeking to understand how nursing home populations were particularly vulnerable.