Food & Nutrition

Young adulthood is supposed to be an exciting time. Getting a job, buying a home, and starting a family are on the agendas of many people in this age group.
If you've been reading ACSH's writings for any time at all, you know that we're not on the "natural is better or safer" bandwagon.
Here we are in the middle of winter in the northern part of the country, and obviously it's not a great time to be finding locally-grown (or even California-grown) tasty tomatoes.
Your dog loves rawhides - that's a fact. But someone may have told you to stay away from them. Why? Take a look at the Good, the Bad, and the Debunked about your pet's favorite chew bone. 
You might think that the obesity epidemic has fueled a horde of weight-loss diets, but really the concept of a quick, relatively painless food prescription has been around well before the uptick in adiposity became a public health focus (think the
Being the serious healthcare professional that I am, I view no task as too large or rigorous when it comes to ensuring the public’s safety. That's why I readily accepted the grueling assignment of investigating the “‘8 Wellness Trends for 201
Here we go again. Considering that there are literally thousands of chemicals out there to pick on, one wonders why we keep seeing scaremongers return again and again to the old ones. Case in point: acrylamide.
If feeling older than you look appeals to you, take a seat while you read this: A recent study found that women who sit longer than 10 hours a day,
In a new position statement, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) and the American College of Endocrinology (ACE) have replaced the word “obe