The blog is on the FDA’s new material to increase “public and professional understanding of GMOs,”
Food & Nutrition
As an example, consider the following.
“Health is the new religion.” – Phys.Org
The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), presents a new tool for determining the environmental impact of the 57,000 typical food products found in UK grocery stores, specifically Tesco.
Join ACSH directors of bio-sciences and medicine Cameron English and Dr. Chuck Dinerstein as they break down these stories on episode 16 of the Science Dispatch podcast:
What do you do when the evidence doesn't support your conclusion?
Over the weekend, Bill Maher took the fat-acceptance movement to task for lying about the dangers of obesity and excusing overweight people from taking responsibility for their eating and exercise habits.
People often take drastic steps when they're hungry. Sri Lanka's leadership discovered this firsthand after it banned imports of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides last year.
Politicians have a complicated relationship with science. When they think the evidence comports with their political goals, they love scientists and the work that they do.
Mainstream medicine has traditionally stressed that obesity poses a serious risk to public health, and indeed there appears to be