Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

For all you stoners who didn't pay attention in organic chemistry, here's a second chance to learn how to do something that you would have already known if you'd stayed awake.
DNA keeps a diligent record of our height, eye color, affinity for sky diving and other extreme thrills, sleep habits, disease risk factors, and more.
Every time I go to the doctor's office, I'm asked if I'm allergic to anything. "Penicillin," I say, dutifully. And I've been saying that every year since I can remember.
The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) sounds like a respectable organization. Who's opposed to responsible technology?
Organic or so-called "natural" products are all the craze. People wrongly believe, often because of purposefully misleading advertising, that these products are safer and healthier than other products.
"Could there finally be a cure on the horizon for herpes sufferers?" London Post, March 18, 2019
By Rachel Allavena, Associate Professor, The University of Queensland ###
There's simply no way of knowing what anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will say on any given day.
A dietary supplement spiked with a real prescription drug? That's about as newsworthy as it becoming dark after sunset.