
There have been at least 10 outbreaks of measles across twenty states already this year, an alarming and dramatic surge.
Social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have promised over and over again to combat the spread of fake news, particularly if it leads to harm.
We have had a recent and unfortunate encounter with a website called DeSmogBlog, whose stated aim is "clearing the PR pollution that clouds climate science." In reality, it's an ideologically driven, propaganda website that spreads malicious disin
Most scientists would be flattered to have a celebrity endorse an article they wrote. However, if that celebrity is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the endorsement is tantamount to the kiss of death. If RFK, Jr.
Winston Churchill once described Russia as "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma." Today, Russia is far less complicated but still perplexing.
The MMR vaccine protects against three viral diseases: measles, mumps, and rubella, hence it's name.
The anti-vaccine movement is not limited just to the United States. Anti-vaxxers are influential in Europe, and the results have been entirely predictable: Europe is in the grip of a measles outbreak.