Credit: Science 2.0
Harm Reduction
Most people are aware of the dangers of drinking and driving, but do not realize that driving while drowsy can b
The town of Lemon Grove, California, has banned e-cigarettes in bars and restaurants and in public areas like parks
Two nationwide prospective studies of Chinese citizens conduc
Calcium is an essential element needed by all living organisms. Since its introduction into the biological realm, there have been many studies investigating the link between calcium intake and its homeostatic role in living organisms.
CVS recently announced that its stores are expanding over-the-counter access t
Are you planning your retirement? Well, maybe you might want to reconsider.
Camel Crush Bold, Pall Mall Deep Set Recessed Filter, Pall Mall Deep Set Recessed Filter Menthol and Vantage Tech 13 cigarettes can no longer be sold, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced. The four brands are sold by R.J.